Review of skills in the pool to prepare for your upcoming dive trip.
Open Water Diver or higher
A 3 hour in water lesson with a PADI Divemaster to review skills. We will sign your logbook as proof of completion.
Additional online educational options:
PADI Reactivate - Add $ 65.
Available only for past PADI certified divers. You'll have access to an online academic lesson plus receive a new PADI Reactivate certification card showing the date of your in water pool lesson. This is a great option for those that need a thorough review of academic dive concepts and may need a new card if your original one is lost.
Valid only for past PADI certified divers. Click here for PADI ReActivate info and to register through the PADI website.
None - we will provide everything anything that you don't already own for free.
If you do not own your own gear yet, this is a great time to try various masks, fins, etc. during your lesson. This way you can purchase or rent equipment for your trip that you know will fit properly.
Offered year round whenever we have the pool rented for Open Water Students.
Check the Schedule page and select the one pool day that works best for you. Contact Don at 608-444-2085 to sign up and reserve your class.
Click this link to complete the online waiver for the SCUBA Refresher....
Before you head off on your next dive trip, attend our SCUBA Review & Scuba refresher to be ready for your adventure by practicing your dive skills with a PADI Divemaster.
Our PADI Divemaster will cover all the basics from setting up gear and answering equipment questions through entry techniques into deep water. We provide a detailed review of dive skills and allow plenty of time for you to practice. With up to 3 hours of pool time, you will find this is a valuable preparation to get the most out of your upcoming trip.